Tuesday, October 8, 2013

just cos

You all know I have a real soft spot for Cos, the more minimalist, higher quality sister line to H&M.  It's my go-to spot for most of my basics, and then some, and I'm especially enamored of their tailored wool pants and sweaters.  And their t-shirts.  And button-downs.  And purses.  Ok, fine, I get a lot of stuff there.

The thing is, until now, there's been no access to Cos in the U.S., a fact that saddens me deeply both on behalf of my readers located there, and also on behalf of myself, for when I move back.  Be sad no more!  Cos is moving stateside!

The details...

They're going to be opening a brick and mortar store in New York, in a haunted building in SoHo, as well as launching an e-commerce site.  In the spring of 2014.  But if you find that you just can't wait that long, you're in luck: Opening Ceremony will be carrying a selection of their goods both online and in a pop-up inside their nyc store.  It all launches friday, so if you're in the U.S., get ready!

All of which reminds me, I haven't been to my local Cos in ages.  And just look at all that good stuff they've got right now!  Definitely going to have to find some time for that soon...


  1. I've ever actually been in a CoS! I know we recently got a store in Oslo, I hope we'll get one in Bergen soon. Not getting my hopes up though - our only Mango is 15 minutes away from the city center by bus, and we don't have a Zara at all! Damn you tiny old historic buildings for not being big enough to house a Zara.

    1. No Zara?! In a european city?! You just blew my mind. Thank god for the internet, right? You would love Cos. It is a beautiful and dangerous place indeed.


    2. Zara are ridiculously demanding when it comes to square footage, they require huge stores over several floors. We simply don't have any available buildings here that are large enough! I know they've had their eyes on Bergen for quite some time, and until then there's always Oslo and the web :)

    3. Huh. Interesting. I guess I never thought of that. Of course, Spain is Zara Homeland, but here even in really small cities you get a Zara, usually spread over 3 floors of some old municipal building or something. Oh well, thank go for the internet, right?

  2. I'm always having a browse through the site but have yet to bite the bullet. I might do that at the end of the month when I should be popping down to London so I can have a look in a real shop for once. I'm never very sure about sizing even though they are very good at listing garment measurements and skirt lengths as such but sometimes it's just nicer to be able to do a good old hands on touch and feel. I have my eye on a couple of knits so let's hope they are still there and I get to treat myself. Infact that burgundy jumper - second to last pic - is one I have my eye on!

    1. Oooh, I can't wait to hear what you think after checking it out in store. They have so many good basics there that I think even if you're not into that minimalist boxy silhouette that they tend to focus on, there's a little something for everyone there. The sweaters in particular rock my world fairly consistently. And the fabrics always feel so good to me. Let me know how it goes!

  3. I like COS a lot for their streamlined style as well, but each time I tried something on, it was clearly cut for someone tall and never made the cut for me. It might be different for jumpers though, the shop is still on my list for the end of year extra knit :)

    1. Interesting. I will say that some of their cuts are much more attractive in the abstract that on an actual (non-model) body, but in my experience they have so many good basics like button-downs and sweaters and trousers, it's impossible for me to walk out empty handed. I say definitely pick up a knit, the sweaters I have from there wear so well, I think the quality-price ratio is excellent!

  4. I am a huge fan of COS, and so happy its coming to the USA but... it will be interesting to see their pricing - once you convert pounds or euros to dollars, it will put COS above many other more mainstream brands and I wonder if this will be more than many are willing to pay. I feel the same way with TopShop - it feels like a good deal in pounds, when I'm in the UK, but I would never pay those prices in $ when I am here - it seems like a rip off.

    1. That's a very interesting point. I do feel like here, in euros, the price-quality ratio is pretty stellar, but once you convert to dollars, and in a land where you're surrounded by other options for affordable basics like J Crew and the like, maybe it won't be such a big hit? Still, I think their aesthetic will carry them far, as well as the fact that they have (rightfully so, in my opinion) achieved a sort of iconic status. I think they'll do really well in nyc at least, though maybe not all over the country. Totally agree with you on TopShop though, their prices never seem appropriate in dollars!

  5. Oh, I am so excited! I always buy cos when I'm in London or Europe. And my pieces really are well made and don't fall apart the way other mass produced brands (like J Crew and Madewell) tend to do. Plus, their sales are amazing. Thanks for posting this info!

    1. I actually thought of you when I saw the news!

  6. PS I am already coveting that navy skirt and green wool crepe top--I love the way both dip longer in the back.

  7. Oh no they look devilishly perfect!!! That will be the next destination next time I visit New York, the basics look juuuuust right. How do they hold up, quality wise? (writes she, as she is glad that the online shopping is not optional at this point) phew.

    1. I only just discovered Cos about a year ago, so I can't speak to the garments wear in the long haul, but so far, so good. Impeccable, actually. In the past year I have bought (and worn daily) so many things from them, and not a single piece looks any worse for the wear!


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