Dear 2015,
you're kind of kicking my ass here. I generally don't share a lot of personal stuff on this blog, which is partly why it's been so damned quiet lately, and I'm going to keep it that way (though I will admit it is a weird grey area, to so carefully curate the image of your life, either intentionally or unintentionally, leading readers to believe all is perfect, when I can pretty much guarantee you for any and all of the bloggers you read, it's not). But in spite of that crazy run-on sentence let me just say that 2014 finished on a super high note for me and then 2015 came around and smacked me down. But that's ok 2015, like 2Pac says,
I ain't mad at cha. And I have total faith that you have something awesome in store for me just around the corner. Cause you do, right?
Meanwhile, I'm going to bust out some new personal mottos for the year.
Read on if you're curious...