Friday, April 12, 2013


Do you have an ipad?  If so, do you actually use it for anything other than playing games (Crime City anyone? MoxieWords With Friends?) or surfing the internet while you're watching tv?  (Whoa, all my bad habits out in the open at once!)  I absolutely love my ipad and don't regret buying it one bit, but I will admit that, at least in my hands, it's hardly a font of productivity.  In Paris though, we met up with a friend of ours who was sitting at a fancy cafe, finishing up his screenplay on his ipad.  He said he actually gets more work done on the ipad because since editing is not as quick as on a computer, it helps you just move forward as you write, plus he gets much better battery time than on his laptop.  But of course, he had this nifty little keyboard.  And now, of course, I want another toy, to compliment my other toy, in order to pretend that the first toy was not just a toy at all, but rather a work necessity.  Ah yes, rationalization at its best.
So, do you have an ipad?  What do you do with it?  Have you checked out this amazing little keyboard?


  1. I do have an iPad, the mini! I must admit I mostly use it when I travel, but I absolutely adore it. The plan was to bring it for long, work-related meetings as well, but I have managed to forget to bring it to each and every one of them so far. I actually don't play a single game on it, I mostly, write, read and use social media :)

    1. No games?! Seriously? You're going to have to get on words with friends at least and play a game or two with me ;) I actually do quite a bit of reading on it as well, so that's good and productive. But still, I do think I could get more out of it if I tried a bit harder... Do you write with a separate keyboard or the touch one? What app do you use for writing?

    2. I use the touch keyboard and Google Docs, as that's the most practical for me. I use an Android phone, so if I used Apple's own "notes" app I wouldn't be able to edit from my phone later :) I did play "Draw something" for a while, that was fun! I still have the app, so I might pick it up again. My username is maja_piraja!

    3. Draw something, huh? Never even heard of it, I'll have to check it out. And look for you :) It'll have to wait though, going on a big long trip today and, ironically enough, not taking my ipad with me.

  2. The hubs has an iPad which I steal off him when he goes to sleep and I use it for reading blogs - I can't type for love or money on it - I really do not like using the screen keyboard). Oh and playing mahjong games. They're the only games I play. Whereas my boys are totally dotty for minecraft. Speaking of the mini keyboards, the Grumps had one for his iPad1 and his iPad2 which he bought and was highly delighted with for about ten minutes and I haven't really seen him use it much but he also has another case with an inbuilt keypad as well. What can I say, the man likes his toys.

    1. I can relate to the man. I like my toys too ;)

  3. I did a ton of research all over London libraries last summer on my ipad. It was great because I didn't need to lug my laptop all over London. I have an earlier version of the logitech bluetooth keyboard, and it worked really well for all my note taking and photographs (when allowed--curses, British Library!). I took all my notes with Evernote, but lately have been more comfortable using Pages. I plan to do this again this summer.

    1. The idea is really appealing to me. The onscreen keyboard is impossible for serious typing though, so I guess I will have to spring for this guy in order to test it out. Nice to know it worked so well for you! And, by the way, congratulations!!

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