Friday, April 24, 2009

More Barna

When I first got to Barcelona there was all this merry-making in the Plaza de la Catederal. People playing music, people dancing. No idea what was going on but it was really sweet. I feel like every time I've been there there's been some sort of city wide holiday. Last time there were these giants on stilts. Wish I had a picture of that for you. Then yesterday was Saint Jordi's day. Women give their men a book, and the men give them a flower. Course would be nice if we got books too, but still, somehow I think it's cute that they do wacky stuff like that in the country.

Another funny thing in bcn is the oversized baked goods. Wonder if it means something? Wonder if anyone buys them or if they're just for show?

The things on the top shelf are normal-sized-sandwiches, just so you get an idea of the scale of the things.

We found an amazing restaurant near the apartment called Origins, it serves traditional Catalan food, superbly done. Turns out the NY Times already knew about this place, but we stumbled into it as if we were discovering the New World. If you go to Barcelona you have to eat there.
I didn't think to take the photo before we tucked in, sorry about that. What you see here though is a half-devoured plate of white beans with butifarra and the tail end of one of the most amazing salads I've ever had. I've been obsessed with duplicating it since I got back to madrid. I actually think I have a close-enough version to satisfy my cravings: mixed baby greens,
cherry tomatoes, crumbled goat cheese, smashed hazelnuts and a few raisins, all topped with a very very mild vinaigrette. Last night I added a hard-boiled egg and tonight will through in some leftover chicken. Perfect.


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