I, like everyone else on the planet, have been wanting some clog sandals for months now. Of course, I've been coveting the
Swedish Hasbeens, something like these

or these:

But these will run you upwards of $160. So I've been avoiding direct contact with them. It's hard though, when every online store and fashion magazine and blog has people wearing them. I bought myself some gorgeous red ones from the Spanish store Hakei a few months ago, but they proved kind of hard to walk in. And I keep hearing how comfortable these clogs are supposed to be. So what do I do? Head to knock-off central! Yes, thank you Zara, thank you, thank you, thank you.

They are cute as can be, very lightweight, and extremely comfortable. Not only can I walk and/or stand for hours in them, but in the morning when I head out to the studio with up to six hours of dancing ahead of me, I do not cringe at the thought of putting them on. The only thing that's a little hard to navigate are the cobblestone streets, and crossing Plaza Mayor is hard work. But I just think of it as ankle stability exercise, and once I'm on smooth pavement, it's, well, smooth sailing.

Oh, and did I mention they were 40 Euros?
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