Saturday, June 23, 2012

petite mort

Last night Husband and I went to see Una Noche con Jiri Kylian by the Compañía Nacional de Danza. The program included Sleepless, Symphony of Psalms, and my favorite by far, Petite Mort.  Petite Mort was mind-bogglingly beautiful; the choreography, the lines, the partnering, the music, the execution, it all just felt so seamless, so fluid and perfect, that I never wanted it to end.  Above is a sample by Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, and after the jump, see the entire piece as performed by Nederlands Dance Theater...

1 comment:

  1. I am making a documentary about ballerinas with NC Dance Theatre in Charlotte, NC, and thought you might be interested in helping out. I am currently running a Kickstarter page. Would love it if you would check it out.


Say what?